
Stay safe from scams or fraud

To stay safe from scams or fraud when using Sei, it is important to use a reputable and secure wallet like Compass Wallet. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe:
  1. Always verify the authenticity of any website or service that claims to be associated with Compass Wallet. Our official website - and our official extension can be downloaded from the chrome webstore.
  1. Never share your private key or recovery phrase with anyone. This is the most important thing to remember when using any cryptocurrency wallet, as these credentials give someone else full access to your funds.
  1. Be cautious when clicking on links or opening attachments in emails or messages, as these may be phishing attempts designed to steal your information.
  1. Always double-check the address or QR code before sending any funds.
  1. Keep your software and apps up to date.
  1. Keep your device and browser updated with the latest security patches.
By following these best practices and using Compass Wallet, you can help protect yourself from scams or fraud when using Sei.
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